This will serve as a formal announcement that we have released the version 1.0.1 update for the SR22 Series. All customers who have purchased the SR22 Series up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the SR22 Series from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.0.1 for you.
With this update, we have made major enhancements to the aircraft all around and fixed a wide assortment of bugs. We have resolved the most significant of issues, including the CTD some users experienced when loading and/or activating the aircraft, and some incompatibilities with other plugins.
As always, we are working away on ensuring the best X-Plane experience! Make sure to report any issues you may encounter so we can get to fixing them ASAP.
What if I didn’t get the update e-mail?
If you did not receive your update e-mail don’t fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here’s what to do:
1. Login to your X-Aviation account here:
2. Find your original SR22 Series download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version!

The following is a list of additions/fixes included:
Improvements / New Features:
- [SR22-376] – Resolve the CTD and inter-plugin incompatibility bugs
- [SR22-337] – FS Economy support (ability to disable custom load manager to use default)
- [SR22-348] – Show load readout in gallons on load manager
- [SR22-353] – Allow weight configuration for pax and baggage in the load manager
- [SR22-354] – Simulate door closing with airflow over aircraft (airspeed, rpm, spiraling slipstream, temperature, air density, and more all are part of this simulation!)
- [SR22-20] – FMOD Improvements and Modifications
- [SR22-150] – Improved VR Config file
Bug Fixes:
- [SR22-338] – YD could be on at cold/dark
- [SR22-340] – G1000 Checklist Cruise climb airspeed too high on SR22 Normally Aspirated
- [SR22-350] – Glass reflectivity persistence
- [SR22-351] – Add support for the main “-” character in the livery editor
- [SR22-352] – Oil temp could be frozen by fast power lever movements
- [SR22-357] – Airframe replace button now also fixes all X-Plane failures
- [SR22-362] – PFD buttons didn’t work when MFD is off
- [SR22-363] – Flap animation could cause issues in replay mode
- [SR22-368] – CHT caution stayed on when back in green range
- [SR22-377] – Oxygen system refill logic improved
- [SR22-342] – Milkshake visibility persists between loads
- [SR22-344] – Engine less prone for flooding, faster flooded start
- [SR22-369] – Higher EGT increase on single magneto
- [SR22-373] – Improve RSG Popup functionality with older RSG plugins
- [SR22-29] – Improve interior lighting
- [SR22-54] – New 3D pilots and pax
- [SR22-367] – Animate GCU knobs
- [SR22-78] – Flap animation axis fixed
- [SR22-208] – Engine sound not depending of engine combustion
- [SR22-285] – Paint Kit (Available on X-Pilot Forums for Download)
- [SR22-320] – Alt static source selector doesn’t move
- [SR22-336] – External lighting bugs
- [SR22-339] – Side stick AP Disconnect Command was incorrect
- [SR22-356] – Ice light turns no longer turns off with landing light
- [SR22-358] – SR22 Electronic trim sound doesn’t shut off after using trim.
- [SR22-359] – Key animation fixed
- [SR22-360] – External sound depends on door
- [SR22-364] – PFD mislabeled knob
- [SR22-245] – FMOD Physics Connection
- [SR22-349] – Rotating GCU knobs
- [SR22-365] – G1000 Pixel Effect Visibility
- [SR22-366] – Commands for Exterior Items
As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support!