Aerodynamics is one of many reasons why we all love X-Plane. That’s also why, just like with the engine, aerodynamics on the TorqueSim SR22 have been designed to take full advantage of the simulator’s capabilities and get as close as possible to the real world equivalent. Therefore a professional flight model of the SR22 was created by X-Aerodynamics in 2018 – over many months of work using all available resources and documents. It is up to the most recent standards and greatly benefits of the flight model improvements introduced with version 11.41 of the simulator and is ready for 11.50.

Key features
- Highly accurate cruise speeds and rates of climb
- Precise matching of stall speeds and glide ratio
- Correct take-off and landing distances
- Spot-on shape of the aircraft body to supply the most accurate input for X-Plane´s flight model effects
- Accurate control surface areas and deflections for realistic turn rates
Special features
A stack of custom airfoils ships with the flight model to resemble the scimitar-shaped propeller as well as the Roncz wing profile introduced with G3 of the SR22 which has some interesting characteristics:

Cuffed Wing Design
This term refers to the non-continuous leading edge with its characteristic droop on about the outboard half. Thus the outboard section features a lower angle of incidence than the inboard section and is still flying while the inboard part is already stalled.

Stall Strips
The real wing offers stall strips to complete the cuff effect, and our airfoil polars contain modifications in the places where these are located to accurately account for their effect. Stall strips are small attachments mounted at the leading edge located on the wing´s root, triangular in shape. At high angles of attack, they trip the laminar boundary layer at a location where stall is most favorable to onset, causing earlier flow separation and consequently a sooner stall than on the outer wing portions.

Together with the cuffed wing design, the SR22 wing is engineered to stall from inboard to outboard, allowing for maximum roll control and spin prevention way into the stall.
Since Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is big talk with flight simmers, I was wonder if/when you have plans to bring the SR22/SR22T to the new sim. I don’t get many add on planes, so I wasn’t sure wether I should wait for the new sim to get add on planes.
We currently have no plans for MSFS, and are fully dedicated to support X-Plane 🙂
When will we see this ship?
Once it is ready 🙂 Hopefully pretty soon!
May 1st will be 1/3rd of the way through Q2. Does that count as the end of “Early Q2”? So it will ship by then?
We will release the SR22 when it is ready 🙂
In a holding pattern awaiting this bird. I am sure it will be fantastic.
Already planning my around the world route to fly with this bird once it gets released. Hopefully soon!
Will this aircraft be available for XP11 on Linux, too? Or does it require Microsoft Windows to run?
We are not planning on a Linux version, it will be MacOS and Windows only.
You need to do it for Linux.
I need this plane.
Please! Please! Please! Please!
Will there be an updated SR22T Perspective+?
Will suppliers provide an updated QWERTY keyboard with the Perspective+ layout?
We are modeling a G3, so standard perspective avionics.
I am just now finding out about this aircraft. Any word on when it will be complete?
Every day is another day closer to release 🙂 We will be sharing more information soon.