TorqueSim and X-Aviation are happy to announce the release of the version 1.0.1 update of the Take Command! CitationJet 525 for X-Plane 12.
We have been thrilled by the enthusiastic response to the aircraft following the release last Friday. This update fixes various reported bugs and adds tweaks based on user feedback. Additionally we added some nice new features that we will highlight here. We continue to work on further updates to add additional features and improvements. Thank you for all of your support!
To Update: Download the aircraft installer here and re-install!
If you don’t have the CitationJet already, you can grab it now at X-Aviation!
New feature: Full X-Plane 12 windshield heat and rain blower integration
The aircraft now is fully tied to the latest X-Plane 12 functionality for thermal blowers for windshield deice, as well as interactions with rain. Check out this video here showing the behavior.

Additional key feature additions include a new nose-steering system, overriding the behavior of the base simulation functionality. This should give a much more representative feel of the steering attributes of the 525.
This update also includes the latest version of the UNS-1 FMS which adds various fixes and adds support for power-failure auto-resume functionality.

Full v1.0.1 Release Notes:
- T-2359 Nose-wheel steering behavior improvements through a new refactored nose gear system overriding the default nose steer logic.
- T-2372 Windshield blower tie-in with X-Plane systems for both ice protection and rain
- T-2374 Latest UNS-1 update (v1.19.2)
- Fix CTD when going direct to an off-route pilot-defined waypoint.
- Fix Standby mode disabled when FMS power is removed.
- Add Power Failure auto-resume if power is removed for less than 7 minutes.
- Add way for plugin to send AP TO/GA signal to the FMS.
- Add datarefs needed for WebFMC to function.
- T-2365 Fix chocks not holding aircraft in certain conditions
- T-2364 GTN750 GPS selection was not being persisted between loads
- T-2366 Spoilers should re-deploy following thrust reduction when WoW and ground flaps
- T-2367 Annunciator should trigger when attenuator switch is in stow on ground with high N2
- T-2303 Nose wheel animation wobbles while stopped
- T-2338 AC fluctuation sound plays in background
- T-2361 Fix default TO/GA command to trigger correct custom logic; fix missing button on throttle
- T-2387 Fix Radar altimeter DH light not illuminating
- T-2371 AP & FMS Bank Limit logic, auto bank-limit with altitude
- T-2375 Add display of current weight/CG to load sheet
- T-2377 Fix altitude alerter light on altimeter not illuminating
- T-2379 Attenuator switch should be spring loaded out of TEST position
- T-2380 Recalibrate AOA between EADI/Indexer/Gauge
- T-2381 Flaps should default to 15° when starting with engine running
- T-2382 Persistent state should keep parking brake status
- T-2386 GTX327 fix for Linux users
- T-2388 Pass TOGA call to UNS
- T-2362 Fix behavior where FD captures pre-selected altitude, and turns back on, even when no lateral or vertical modes are selected
- T-2392 Anti-ice system datarefs not removing ice properly
- T-2395 Cabin dump switch guard clipping
- T-2396 Typo in the Voltage Sel switch label
- T-2403 Trim Rocker not self-centering
- T-2404 Altimeter alerter light always on
- T-2397 left_brake and right_brake do not unlock after using chocks
- Adjust Linux build logic to support Ubuntu 22.04
- Cones were lopsided and elevated above or in the ground. Fixed for most configs.
- Fix rectangle showing on Citation logo near door
- Updated the AP panel to accommodate VR users.
- Default UNS config for fuel should be in pounds
- Fixed texture bugs on the altitude indicator.
- Adjusted volume of the bleed air and landing gear
- Lighting fixes including adjusted LITs for the landing lights and for some interior items.
- Fixed shading on GTX327
- Added detail map to panel items
- Fixed holes in compartment carpet
- Various additional minor improvements and bug fixes based on feedback
- Latest manuals and documentation (see here for more info)